Below you will find photos from the 2022 event.

Photographer: Anne Kalliola

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Representatives of the press can be accredited to our own trade fair events free of charge by filling in the accreditation form. Accreditation requires a valid Association of Journalists membership card or equivalent proof that you are a media representative and work at a trade show. Accredited people will receive event bulletins as well as an on-site lunch ticket and parking permit.

Fill out the form and print your ID card. You will also receive the ID card and other instructions in your email.


The press room will be the K100 Klubi (entrance from the lobby of Lutakonaukio, near the Kongressi entrance), during the opening hours of the fair. The press room has a computer, printer and wifi. The space includes event-specific press releases, media materials provided by exhibitors, and coffee and tea service.

A few parking spaces have been reserved for members of the press in the P3 area.