Opening hours
The opening hours will be published closer to the event.
Entry is free of charge by registering as a visitor either in advance or at the entrance.
If you don’t want to register, the admission is 20 euros.
Tax advantage for your company from visiting trade fairs
Visiting a trade fair can be used as a staff training! The employer can get a tax deduction if attending a trade fair is part of a training plan, is related to the promotion of the employee’s professional skills and is the employee’s paid working time.
More detailed instructions on the Finnish Tax Administration page (in finnish)
FinnMateria fair is organized in the fair and event center Paviljonki, Lutakonaukio 12, 40100 Jyväskylä.
Jyväskylä is at the crossroads of four highways, where you can find signs to Paviljonki. Entrance to the main doors from Rantaväylä (E 63) via Satamakatu according to Paviljonki 1 signs. Buses and trains arrive at Jyväskylä Travel Center, from where there is an overpass directly to the main entrance to Paviljonki.
Paviljonki has two parking garages, P-Paviljonki 1 (in from Satamakatu) and P-Paviljonki 2 (in from Uno Savolan katu).
Within walking distance of Paviljonki, there is also plenty of space in the city’s parking garages. So a good option is to leave the car in the center and walk through the Travel Centre’s overpass to the fair.
Restaurant services
All the restaurant services in the Paviljonki are in charge of Food & Events. More information about the restaurant services will be added closer to the event.
Paviljonki’s arrival and parking instructions
Check the free parking spaces P-Paviljonki 1 and P-Paviljonki 2.