Contact information

Sales Director

Hannu Mennala

+358 50 591 5428

Sales Director

Ilari Tervakangas

+358 50 596 6710

Exhibition tech

Stand Designer

Kati Viinikainen

+358 40 754 1515

Stand construction:
Monday 22.5.2023 from 8am to 8 pm
Tuesday 23.5.2023 from 8 am to 8 pm
Wednesday 24.5.2023 from 8 am to 10 pm

*Driving to the hall ends on Wednesday 24.5.2023 at 8 pm
*Stands must be ready on Wednesday 24.5.2023 at 10 pm

Exhibition open:
Thursday 25.5.2023 from 10 am to 5 pm, maintenance time from 8 am to 10 am
Friday 26.5.2023 from 10 am to 5 pm, maintenance time from 8 am to 10 am
Saturday 27.5.2023 from 10 am to 4 pm, maintenance time from 9 am to 10 am

*The exhibition office serves exhibitors during maintenance and during the exhibition.

Dismantling stands:
Saturday 27.5.2023 from 4.15 pm to 10 pm
Sunday 28.5.2023 from 8 am to 5 pm
Monday 29.5.2023 from 8 am to 5 pm

*Dismantling may begin on Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 4:15 pm. The exhibitors’ packing boxes are first brought to the stands and only then are the cars allowed into the halls. Through the service doors, you can carry out things right after the fair.
*All exhibitors’ goods and structures must be removed from the halls by 5 pm on Monday, 29 May 2023. Otherwise, the organizers will remove them at the expense of the exhibitor.

*Deviating construction and dismantling times must be agreed in advance in writing: Sales Manager Hannu Mennala, e-mail:

Elegant stand without an effort!

Paviljonki’s own exhibition tech department designs and builds exhibition stands based on your wishes. We will furniture the stands and make the necessary headline- and wall tapings as well as other decorations.

Rental, building, maintenance during the exhibition and taking down of the structures is included in the price.

You can get everything you need from us:

  • Structural elements, furniture, lightning and tapings
  • Printed out pictures for the wall elements and advertisement cloths
  • Decoration
  • LCD-displays of various sizes
  • Electricity- and IT-interfaces, compressed air, water and sewerage orders
  • Cleaning

Ask for a free design and a quote for building your exhibition stand

Exhibition tech Project Negotiator

More information about stand design you´ll find from our Exhibition tech web site.

Together we make a successful event! Your company’s own channels are a great place to tell your customers about your participation in the event.

Closer to the event, we will add here marketing materials that can be used on websites, social media, email signatures, and other marketing.



Follow us in social media!

Customer invitations can be used in your pre-marketing!

In the Paviljonki Exhibitor portal, you can make and print your exhibitor card, invite customers electronically to the fair and to the customer get-together evening, and follow the registration of those invited! The user ID and more detailed instructions for this will be sent in a separate e-mail.


The program will be updated closer to the Kuljetus Exhibition.


Every person working at the stands during the exhibition must have a personal ID-card.

Exhibitor card allows entry to the exhibition area throughout the event. The cards are printed from the Paviljonki exhibitor portal. We will send you the user ID and instructions in a separate email.

Standbuilder card allows entry to the halls only during stand construction and dismantling. You can get the cards from the exhibition office desk at the entrance lobby.

You will also get badge holders and lanyards for the ID cards from the information desk.

The event is organized in the Fair and Event Center Paviljonki, Lutakonaukio 12, 40100 Jyväskylä. Jyväskylä is in a intersection of four highways, from all of them you can find signposts to the Paviljonki. Follow Paviljonki 1 signposts from Rantaväylä (E 63) via Satamakatu. Buses and trains arrive at the Jyväskylä Matkakeskus, where you can walk a pedestrian bridge over to Paviljonki.

During stand construction and dismantling times, we offer free parking in area P3 (however, spaces are limited). You will receive parking cards from the area supervisors on a daily basis by showing the exhibitor or builder card, we do not send parking cards in advance. The parking areas are subject to city parking control, so the parking card must be clearly visible on the car’s windshield.

During the fair, parking is chargeable in all areas and is paid directly to the vending machines in the parking garages or to the area supervisors.  Paviljonki has two parking garages, P-Paviljonki 1 (entrance from Satamakatu) and P-Paviljonki 2 (entrance from Uno Savolan katu). In the city area, within walking distance of Paviljonki, there is also plenty of space in the city’s parking garages. Check the free parking spaces P-Paviljonki 1 and P-Paviljonki 2.

We kindly ask the exhibitors to leave their cars in the hotel car parks to get the most possible space for your customers and fair visitors.

Heavy-duty vehicles are to be moved away from the area for the duration of the exhibition.

Paviljonki’s arrival and parking instructions

Catering at exhibition stand

All restaurant services in Paviljonki are provided by Food & Events Restaurant.

Food & Events Restaurant has a versatile and delicious menu for the exhibition stands.

We have delicate and diverse selection of catering products. We are also happy to make a tailored offer based on the needs of your stand. The products will be delivered to your stand at the agreed time. Our catering service will also deliver any additional orders to your stand with a short delivery time.

We recommed to order catering service to your stand in advance. Orders are also possible during the exhibition days and VIP Evening.

Please order all alcohol beverages from Food & Event Restaurant. You are not allowed to bring any alcoholic beverages of your own to the stand due to Finnish alcohol law.

Orders via phone and email:

+358 40 522 9994

Remember to take care of the personnel building or working at your stand. Giving coupons is also an easy and comfortable way to show hospitality to your partners and guests!

Lunch or coffee coupons are easy to organize: the restaurant will send to you a pdf-file, which includes coupons (all coupon types in the same file and all coupon types are personalized by Qr-code) to your use. Coupons will be scanned on the restaurant cashier and after the exhibition you will get the invoice according to the used amount of coupons.

The K100 Klubi is the exhibitor lounge. The entrance can be found in the lobby of Lutakonaukio, near the Kongressi entrance. In the exhibitor lounge, you can rest, have coffee or tea and read the daily newspapers or check your e-mail with free internet access.

You can send your press releases to us beforehand, we will add them to our website for media to download.

During the exhibition, please deliver your press releases to our information desk at Lutakonaukio lobby or directly to press lounge Klubi.

The exhibition office in Lutakonaukio lobby is open for exhibitors during the stand construction, dismantling times as well as during the event.  Suspension hooks, carpet tape and silicone adhesives for wall mounting can be hired from the exhibition offices.

Our service partner, Suomen Event logistcs Oy, takes care of for example forklift lifting and storage in Paviljonki. You can order also the entire logistics coordination.

Goods may be delivered from the first official date of construction. The payer of the freight must be mentioned clearly on the bill of freight. Please notice that Jyväskylä Fair Ltd personnel cannot sign the shipments.

Make sure in advance when the goods are brought to your stand. If you cannot receive them yourself, you can order the service from Suomen Messulogistiikka Oy:

David Palomo
tel. +358 50 4307 082

You can also order other services related to trade fair logistics from them such as truck, forklift, storage or transport services during the exhibition. During the building-up and moving-out times the logistics service is available at the Uno Savolan katu lobby.

Mailing address
Jyväskylän Paviljonki / Name of the trade fair
Exhibitor / Stand number
Exhibitor Contact Person  / phone number
PL 127 / Lutakonaukio 12
FIN-40101 Jyväskylä

When using transport company and your stand is in hall A:
Paviljonki / Name of the trade fair
Exhibitor / Stand number
Exhibitor Contact Person  / phone number
Schaumanin Puistotie 18 / maintenance door A1
FIN-40100 Jyväskylä

When using transport company and your stand is in hall B:
Paviljonki / Name of the trade fair
Exhibitor / Stand number
Exhibitor Contact Person  / phone number
Schaumanin Puistotie 18/ maintenance door B2, B3 or B4
FIN-40100 Jyväskylä

When using transport company and your stand is in hall C1:
Paviljonki / Name of the trade fair
Exhibitor / Stand number
Exhibitor Contact Person  / phone number
Lutakonaukio 12 / maintenance door C1

When using transport company and your stand is in hall C2:
Paviljonki / Name of the trade fair
Exhibitor / Stand number
Exhibitor Contact Person  / phone number
Uno Savolan katu 8 / maintenance door C2

When using transport company and your stand is in hall D:
Paviljonki / Name of the trade fair
Exhibitor / Stand number
Exhibitor Contact Person  / phone number
Uno Savolan katu 2 / maintenance door D2
FIN-40100 Jyväskylä


Tässä kirjeessä on tärkeää tietoa mm. ravintolapalveluista, lisätyövoiman tilaamisesta messuille ja lätkästudiosta.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non euismod mauris, id ultricies nisl. Curabitur dapibus lacus eu metus sodales, ut aliquam purus venenatis. Vivamus auctor, diam quis tempus maximus, ante leo vulputate lorem, feugiat ultrices justo sem quis leo.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec non euismod mauris, id ultricies nisl. Curabitur dapibus lacus eu metus sodales, ut aliquam purus venenatis. Vivamus auctor, diam quis tempus maximus, ante leo vulputate lorem, feugiat ultrices justo sem quis leo.



Tarvitsetko osastollesi Kuljetusmessujen ajaksi lisätyövoimaa esimerkiksi flyereitten jakoon tai muihin messuilua avustaviin tehtäviin?

Henkilöstövaraukset onnistuvat näppärästi Go Onin kautta – henkilöstötarpeiden sekä mahdollisten lisäkysymysten tiimoilta voit olla yhteydessä Go Onin HR-asiantuntijaan Tiia Karjalaiseen joko puhelimitse 040 173 9797 tai sähköpostitse



Olette saaneet tunnukset extranetpalveluun. Tunnukset tuli aktivoida 48 h sisällä tunnusten saavuttua. Mikäli tunnusten kanssa on ongelmia, niin olethan yhteydessä

Tilaa kaikki palvelut osastollesi Extranet-palvelussamme, Palvelutilaukset-välilehdellä.

Tee tilaukset viimeistään oheisen mukaisesti:

-26.4.2023 kalusteet ja rakenteet, ripustukset, paineilma, vesi ja viemäröinti

-10.5.2023 sähkö, siivous, tietoliikenneliittymät ja messulogistiikka

Osastotarjoilut tulee 7 vrk ennen tapahtumaan Restelin Food & Events verkkokaupasta 



Messuilla on käytössä Killerin Etäparkki.

Välittäkää tämä tieto myös teidän käyttämällenne messurakentajalle.

Paviljongin alueella tapahtuman aikana pysäköintitilana toimivat ainoastaan pysäköintitalot P Paviljonki 1 ja 2. Kaupungin puolen pysäköintitalot ovat myös käytettävissä.

Mahdollinen pysäköintiä tarvitseva raskas kalusto pyydetään pysäköimään Kuljetus messujen etäparkkialueelle Jyväskylän Killerille, osoite Sykeraitti 3 40630 JYVÄSKYLÄ.

Alueelta kulkee veloitukseton bussikuljetus viimeisestä rakennuspäivästä alkaen tapahtuman loppuun asti.




Muistattehan käydä täydentämässä tietojanne Messujen digitaaliseen näyttelyluetteloon. 

Käyttäjän tunnus on sähköpostiosoitteenne ja salasana on kuljetus2023.

Digimessuopas löytyy osoitteesta tästä.

Lisänäkyvyyspaikkojen tiedustelut Hannu Mennala

Palvelussa on selkeät ohjeet tietojenne päivittämiseen.




Welcome to the Kuljetus Fair in May 2023!

This letter contains information about the restaurant services and the additional personnel to Kuljetus 2023 Exhibition.

Here you will also find information about Kuljetus 2023 Exhibition restaurant Services and catalogue.



Place your orders according to the following at the latest our Exhibition Tech Sales Manager

-26 April 2023 furniture and structures, suspensions, compressed air, water and drainage

-10.5.2023 electricity, cleaning, telecommunication connections and Fair logistics

Stand catering is available 7 days before the event from Restelin's Food & Events  email:



Do you need additional personnel for your department during the Kuljetus 2023 Exhibition, for example to distribute flyers or for other tasks that assist the fair?

Personnel reservations can be made easily through Go On - regarding personnel needs and possible additional questions, you can contact Go On's HR expert Tiia Karjalainen either by phone on 040 173 9797 or by e-mail



Killeri Distant parking is available at the fair.

Also tell this information on to the fair builder you use.

In the Paviljonki area, only parking garages P Paviljonki 1 and 2 will operate as parking spaces during the event. Parking garages on the city side are also available.

Heavy vehicles that may require parking are asked to park in the remote parking lot of Kuljetus fairs at Jyväskylä Killer, address Sykeraitti 3 40630 JYVÄSKYLÄ.

A free bus shuttle runs from the area from the last day of construction until the end of the event.




Through this service you can fill in your company information and logo to the digital exhibition catalogue.

You can also purchase increased visibility to boost your fair attendance by

Here is website to digital catalogue here.

The user ID is your email address and the password is kuljetus2023.

OBS! Some of the companies that participated in our fair have received letters requesting information from publications called for example FAIR Guide and EXPO Guide. The letter offers company information in an electronic directory. Although the form refers to our trade fair event, the Jyväskylä Fair has nothing to do with it. Therefore, do not reply in any way unless you want your information in that publication. If you are unsure about the appropriateness of the message, please contact us.

Our service partner Sähköveijarit Oy takes care of the electrical work and connections needed for the stands. Electrical connections include stand electrification, inspection fee and electricity consumption.

Electrical work must be carried out for the stands no later than seven hours before the end of the construction period. Otherwise, in addition to the ordered products, labor costs are invoiced on an hourly basis, taking into account overtime.

Electricity is cut off from the exhibition halls and stands during the night, so any necessary night electricity (for eg computers, refrigerator) must be ordered separately.

Outdoor stands have separate prices.

Lassila & Tikanoja Ltd is responsible for stand cleaning as our service partner.

Stand cleaning includes:

  • waste collection during construction
  • removal of plastic covers for carpeting
  • initial cleaning (carpet vacuuming and dusting) before the exhibition days
  • daily waste collection
  • final cleaning after the exhibition, when constructions have been removed

Normal construction and disassembly waste, packaging material, etc. left from stand construction are collected for recycling by our contractor free of charge. For the waste management of special stands (e.g., wood-construction stands), we will give a separate quotation.

Our contractor takes care of waste collection also during the exhibition time if you have ordered stand cleaning. If you have not ordered stand cleaning and you have waste to be collected, you should deliver it yourself to the waste containers located in the halls paying attention to appropriate sorting. Please observe the signs attached to the waste containers. Besides the energy waste, there are containers in the halls for waste that is taken to the landfill sites as well as for waste paper and carton.

No waste should be taken to outdoor collection points.

Our service partner InMics Ltd. installs all the communications interfaces.

Fixed internet connection

To the stands we recommend you order fixed internet connection, for which we can guarantee its functioning. Workstation connection can be divided with for example your own WLAN-net.


Paviljonki has a free WLAN that doesn’t require password.

It is free of charge, but we cannot guarantee flawless function during events. For this we recommend a fixed internet connection.

Network communication

The Jyväskylä Paviljonki network communication has designed to meet today’s changing needs. There are used fast and efficient technologies, so network can be scalable according to the event.

All network devices are under monitoring and potential problems are reacted around the clock. Firewalls and Wi-Fi controllers has been duplicated for faults, and there are backup devices for switches and base stations.

Network implementation

  1. The LAN switches has renewed in the fall of 2016. The network has been implemented with HP Aruba 2530 1G Poe + switches. For all edge switches is 1G fiber optic connection from main switches. During the change, fault awareness was improved (spanning tree) and prevented the possibility of interference in the network (dhcp snooping and loop protection).
  2. The wireless network has renewed in the fall of 2017. The network has implemented with Fortinet WLC50 cluster and the Fortinet FAP-U423EV-E access point represent the latest 802.11ac Wave2 technology. The biggest change was the 5 GHz network for the entire building.


-802.11ac Wave 2
-Dual Radio 2.4 & 5 GHz
-8 Exterior Antennas
-4×4 MU-MIMO

3. A firewall cluster has renewed in winter 2017-2018. The firewall has implemented with the Fortinet 101E cluster.

-Modern firewall cluster at 1G port speeds
-Transparency (1518/512/64 bytes UDP packets) 7.4 / 7.4 / 4.4 Gbps
-Latency (64 bytes UDP packets) 3 μs
-Packets Per Second 6.6 Mpps
-2,000,000 simultaneous connections

4. The Internet connection has implemented with the ISP (Elisa Oyj) 100M / 100M fiber optic connection. Public IP addresses are enough to use the events as well.

Jyväskylä Fair Ltd’s technical department takes care of the water and sewerage connections, as well as compressed air (with equipment from Kaeser Compressors Ltd).

Access to the drain must be confirmed when booking the stand.

We offer accommodation during Transportation Fair 2023 from Jyväskylä Hotels:

We have reserved accommodation quotas for exhibitors in Jyväskylä

hotels according to the information below

  • Reservations are made directly from the hotels and each exhibitor reserves and pays for their own room
  • Each hotel has its own reservation and cancellation conditions, so please inquire about them when making a reservation 

Scandic Jyväskylä Station | Vapaudenkatu 73, 40100 Jyväskylä | Nettisivut: Reservations:  quate ID : KULJETUS23 Accommodation quata until  February 17.2.2023

Scandic Jyväskylä City | Väinönkatu 3, 40100 Jyväskylä | Nettisivut:
Reservations: quate ID: KULJETUS23 Accommodation quata until  February 17.2.2023

Original Sokos Hotel Alexandra | Hannikaisenkatu 35, 40100 Jyväskylä websites: Reservations by email: quate ID: KULJETUS23 Accommodation quata until  march 31

Solo Sokos Hotel Paviljonki | Lutakonaukio 10, 40100 Jyväskylä websites: Reservations by email:: quate ID: KULJETUS23 Accommodation quata until  march 31

Finlandia Hotelli Alba | Ahlmaninkatu 4, 40100 Jyväskylä websites: Reservations by email: Kiintiötunnus: KULJETUS23 Accommodation quata until  march 31

Hotel Greenstar | Heikinkatu 3, 40100 Jyväskylä websites: Reservations by email:: Kiintiötunnus: KULJETUS23 Accommodation quata until  april 4 Hotelli Verso| Kauppakatu 35, 40100 Jyväskylä Nettisivut Varaukset: tai p. 014 333 999 Kiintiötunnus: KULJETUS23 Accommodation quata until  march 31

Hotelli Verso| Kauppakatu 35, 40100 Jyväskylä websites: Varaukset: tai p. 014 333 999 Kiintiötunnus: KULJETUS23 Accommodation quata until  march 31


Use of wireless telecommunication equipment, such as wireless microphones or radio transmitters, always requires authorisation from Technical producer Mikko Rahkonen (mikko.rahkonen(at) 2 weeks before the exhibition at the latest.

The user of a wireless telecommunications device must carry a permit issued by Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom to use the device.

The exhibitors and event organisers are responsible for the mounting of the area rented by them as well as for safety. Jyväskylä Fair Ltd. controls the overall safety and compliance with the instructions during the event. The exhibitors are obliged to carefully read the general instructions and inform their stand design, mounting and dismounting personnel of the rules, etc. related to stand mounting. Deviating from the instructions is only permitted based on a written consent of Jyväskylä Fair Ltd.

The location of the space reserved by the exhibitor is indicated on the map enclosed with the confirmation of contract.

The exhibitors are not allowed to use wall constructions built by another exhibitor without a separate agreement with the neighbouring stand.

All visible constructions, decorations, etc. must be tidy and in flawless condition throughout the exhibition.

The timetable for mounting and dismounting as well as the opening hours are indicated in the service material. Any deviations from mounting and dismounting times are subject to charge and must be separately agreed upon in writing. After the daily opening hours, one (1) hour is reserved for service (unless otherwise agreed) after which all persons must leave the halls.

Service booking times are indicated in the service material. If products are still available, orders can be placed even after the deadline, but a higher fee will be charged for the services.

Stand mounting works and the display of products must not disturb and/or present a risk to other stands or the public.

Fixed or movable property in the exhibition area must not be damaged; the exhibitors are liable for damage caused by them.

The floor material in hall A is painted asphalt.

The floor material in halls B1, C1, C2 and D is painted concrete.

In hall B2, the floor is colour-conditioned concrete.

Restrictions apply to the use of vehicles with studded tyres in all halls depending on the event.

If the stand floor is elevated by over 12 cm from the hall floor level, all open sides shall be provided with steps or a handrail.

Materials can only be fixed to the hall floor using tape that can be detached from the floor without leaving marks. The lessee is responsible for removing the tape. The lessee will be charged the costs for the removal of any tape remaining on the floor after the dismounting time. Suitable tape can be ordered in advance from the Technical Department of Jyväskylä Fair Ltd. or purchased from the Paviljonki Information Desk.

It is not allowed to fix materials of any type to the hall walls.

Materials can be fixed to the hall floor using exclusively adhesive tape that can be detached from the floor without leaving marks, e.g. Eurocel 704. This tape can be purchased at the Exhibition office. If a tape that violates the floor when removed or leaves traces is used, we will charge the repair / cleaning costs from the exhibitor.

It is not allowed to paint stand wall elements or stick any material on them. Decoration materials can be fixed to the frame profiles by suspending. Decoration materials can be fixed to the wall panels using strong tape, e.g. Pro Contact or Powertrips; for felt-surfaced wall panels, decoration pins can also be used. Adhesive tape and silicone tape can be purchased from the Exhibition office.

Exhibitors are responsible for removing all fastened materials from the elements before dismounting the stand. Exhibitors or stand builders are also responsible for removing floor tapes.

Constructions can be set up around the hall pillars located inside the stand. If the pillar is provided with a switchboard, a water tapping point, etc., free access to these must be maintained at all times.

Fastening of materials to the pillars themselves or other hall constructions (ceiling and walls) is not allowed.

For pillar dimensions, please contact exhibition tech department.

No additional fee will be charged by Jyväskylä Fair Ltd. for constructions with excess height used as additional advertising space.

Authorization is required for all wall and decoration solutions higher than 250 cm and the stand plans shall be delivered to Jyväskylä Fair Ltd. not later than 30 days prior to the start of exhibition.

Constructions or decoration elements higher than 250 cm shall be located at a minimum distance of 100 cm from the neighboring stand unless otherwise agreed upon in writing with the neighboring stand. A copy of this agreement shall be delivered to Jyväskylä Fair Ltd.

No separate rent per square meter will be charged by Jyväskylä Fair Ltd. for the second storey area of a two-storey construction.

Two-storey constructions require a prior consent of both Jyväskylä Fair Ltd. and the relevant authority. Plans including strength calculations shall be sent to Jyväskylä Fair Ltd. not later than 30 days prior to the exhibition; Jyväskylä Fair Ltd. will deliver the plans to the Building Inspection Authority of the City of Jyväskylä.

The Paviljonki building is provided with an automatic fire extinguishing system, which means that only ceiling constructions made of latticework, gauze or similar with a minimum permeability of 50% are allowed in the stands. The roofing fabric must be fire-proof.

In case other types of ceiling constructions are used, the stand shall be equipped with a fire detector and a hand extinguisher. A description of the construction type shall be delivered to Jyväskylä Fair Ltd. not later than 30 days prior to the start of exhibition.

Suspending is possible and shall be agreed upon in advance. Suspending points are always installed by Jyväskylä Fair Ltd. Only devices approved by the relevant authorities can be used for suspending.

Jyväskylä Fair Ltd. reserves the right to disapprove suspension constructions until such suspension fulfils the safety norms.

If the load caused by the exhibits exceeds 1.000 kg/sq.m or a vehicle weighs more than 15.000 kg, positioning always requires a separate agreement with us.

A machine or a safety component not meeting the requirements of the machine safety decree, can be displayed at a fair, exhibition, display and other similar events provided that it is clearly stated in a visible sign that the machine or safety component does not comply with the requirements and is not made available until the machine or the safety component has been made compliant with the requirements. During the display, sufficient measures shall be taken to ensure personal safety. (Government Decree 1314/94)

Vehicle traffic in the halls is allowed only for transportation of goods. After unloading or loading, the vehicles shall be removed from the halls without delay. Idle running of vehicles is forbidden in the halls. Restrictions apply to the use of vehicles with studded tyres in all halls depending on the event.

Balloons inside the hall should be filled with air. The Hall Manager shall be informed of balloons filled with other gases one week before the event. Balloons distributed to clients should be provided with weights.

Escaped balloons will be removed daily at the exhibitor’s expense based on an hourly rate.

According to the fire safety regulations, areas between adjoining stands or between stands and walls must not be used for storing.

Free access to the fire hydrant connections and switchboards shall be ensured.

For vehicles at indoor stands, it shall be made sure that the power is switched off from the mains switch.

Vehicle keys shall be left at the Paviljonki information centre for night-time storage.

Stand construction materials must be fire-proof.

Use of open fire during the events is forbidden. Devices with open fire refer to any devices with a burning fire or flame outside the device, such as gas stoves, cookers, oil lamps, candles or the like.

A permit can be granted for welding, flame cutting, cutting or other similar work demonstrations generating sparks.

Authorisation is also required for storing combustible liquids and gases.

Applications for permits including functional and safety system descriptions shall be delivered to Jyväskylä Fair Ltd. 30 days prior to the start of the exhibition. Permits are always subject to the approval of the Fire Department.

The halls are not equipped with a permanent site for hot works. All hot works carried out in the halls require authorisation of Jyväskylä Fair Ltd. Persons carrying out hot work need a hot work permit.

Jyväskylä Fair Ltd. conducts the safety inspection with the relevant authority prior to each event.